Exploring playgrounds around town is a new daily ritual for Wilder. At 11 months old all he wants to do is discover the world around him.

Being outside in nature throughout the day is non-negotiable for this little guy. Luckily, Fall in Austin is INCREDIBLE. 70-80 degree days and cool nights make it the perfect time of year to romp outside a lot.

Almost 1

As Wilder approaches his first birthday being his mama feels easier and easier. Especially now that we are both getting great sleep! The development they go through at this stage is mind-blowing and super fun.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how I was able to get Wilder to sleep through the night. The answer is… he made the decision. After 10 months of waking up 4-10 times a night to nurse, or be comforted, he just decided one day to stop nursing at night and sleep. No special trick. It was just his time I guess.

As I shared in a previous post, during a tough weekend of teething he stopped breastfeeding and went on a nursing strike. This was the end of nighttime feedings. From that point moving on if he woke up at night, I’d just give him a pacifier and he’d go back to sleep within a few mins. We are still cosleeping and he’s sleeping 10-12 hr nights.

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

With the nursing strike came a big drop in my milk supply since he wouldn’t drink at night anymore. With that drop, my hormones shifted quickly and I experienced about two weeks of sadness and some intense anxiety.

I had no idea that postpartum depression and anxiety commonly occurs during the weening process. Nor that a mom can suffer from maternal separation anxiety from their baby.

Over the last month, I’ve been navigating some big emotions as my hormones balance out. I’m still pumping breast milk for him and will continue until he is ready to fully ween off milk.

I’m learning that baby lead everything is the way to go. I can’t rush Wilder’s process.

Have you experienced postpartum anxiety or depression long after the birth of your little one? I’d love to hear from all you mamas out there! I think this is a topic not talked about enough that affects millions of women.


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
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