Hours before my explant surgery vs. two days after. No filter. No make-up.

Breast implant illness is real AF. Don’t let Big Pharma or the FDA fool you. Implants are not safe & everyone deserves to know that they can cause major health issues.

For years I was told & believed that they were safe. I didn’t do my own research. I depended on the plastic surgery industry, which makes billions a year, to properly test their products & report accurate info to their customers.

18 years ago when I made the decision there wasn’t enough research or data available on the long terms risks. All I was told was the short term acute issues that could arise, like a rupture.

Taking Accountability and Responsibility

Regardless, I take full responsibility for making the choice I did.

I take full responsibility for denying that they could cause health issues for many years as more information was coming out about Breast Implant Illness.

I take full responsibility for turning a blind eye to a few of my friends who shared their BII stories & encouraged me to get an explant years ago.

And I take full responsibility for my healing & recovery now as I reverse the damage that has been done.

I don’t regret my decision to get implants though, because I believe it was an essential part of my self-love journey.

What I needed is to figure out that being authentically myself, no matter the size of my chest, was all that ever mattered.

And I needed to learn that my health is far more important than looking a certain way.

To realize that I’m valuable, beautiful, lovable & MORE than enough just for being me.

It took over 18 years for me to learn these lessons. My implants no longer aligned with who I had become along the way, yet I was terrified to go under the knife again.

So I waited. And kept pushing it off. Years went by & then my health started to deteriorate quickly this year.

Post Explant

I feel a deep sense of PEACE. Like my body is thanking me on a cellular level. My mind is clear, my heart is SO happy. I feel lighter & freer than I have in years.

This was by far the best decision I’ve ever made for my health. I’m so excited to see & feel my glow return over the next few months as I heal


Much Love,

Amber Sears

Epicself.com – Online Coaching & Training
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